Mrs. Axup
6th Grade Teacher
Weekly Folders and Homework
Welcome to the sixth grade. In order to keep you informed, I have weekly Friday folders, so here is how it works.
Folders with the student’s weekly work will be sent home every Friday. Please take some time to look over the work with your child.There will also be a progress report enclosed. Please sigh and return this, along with any makeup homework if needed, in the folder each Monday.
(916) 395-4695
Room 9
Mr. Clark
5th Grade Teacher
Room 12 Supply List
2 glue sticks, 2 red ball point pens, #2 pencils, 3 spiral notebooks, a 2 -pocket folder, colored pencils, and scissors. We also would appreciate the following donations: binder paper, white copy paper, Kleenex, and white board markers. Thank you!
(916) 395-4695
Room 12
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